
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It Won't Cost You A Dime!

I lovED Google! I would tell you to "make sure you Google that before you send it out!" (one of my pet peeves is people that send out emails about something and don't confirm if it 's true)

Anyway. Recently I heard that Google had thrown their hat into the ring in opposing Porp 8 in California. The vote to save Marriage. So I knew I just couldn't support them anymore. Then I found out about

So if you know me you know I love BGMC. I collect Box Tops for Education, used ink cartridges and used cell phones along with the change that the kids bring every 2nd Sunday of the month. BGMC is a way to teach kids to have a love for Missions and in turn helps our Missionaries get the things they need to be successful.

So I went to and signed up so we can start earning extra money.

How do I help you Sandy, you ask! Well it's very easy. Go to and in the second box (the first is where you enter what your searching for) type in San Antonio First Assembly of God (they couldn't put in BGMC) Click on Verify. And it will stay there and every time you do a search BGMC gets a little bit of money.

So Start using GoodSearch for ALL your searches! Pass this on to your friends! The more the better! So now I will say "Did you Good Search that"?
Thanks for your help!


P S You can also buy things from major retailers and we will get a little from that. Like if you buy something form Target online and it is $127 we will get about $4.44. There is a link at the top of the goodsearch page.

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