
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What I want for Christmas

For Christmas, there are 10 things I most want:

1. My loved ones (and fellow countrymen) to trust the Christ of Christmas for their salvation and destiny.

2. Every child in America protected from the lethal weapons of abortion.

3. Marriage between one wife and one husband protected from judges, state legislatures and textbook revisionists.

4. A president who will appoint judges who fear God and will protect the innocent as well as marriage and our freedoms.

5. A new Congress that won't threaten our rights with The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA – thought crimes for the workplace), the "Unfairness Doctrine" and the Law of the Sea Treaty, which turns over the oceans and their riches to U.N. control along with the right to levy an international tax.

6. Secure borders.

7. A balanced budget to protect our future.

8. A president, a Congress and an America who are willing to stand against the threat from radical Islam at home and abroad.

9. A secure, undivided Israel.

10. A secure United States of America – not a "North American Union."

Thanks Janet Folger

Remember Jesus is the reason for the season. So Merry Christmas everyone.