
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What I want for Christmas

For Christmas, there are 10 things I most want:

1. My loved ones (and fellow countrymen) to trust the Christ of Christmas for their salvation and destiny.

2. Every child in America protected from the lethal weapons of abortion.

3. Marriage between one wife and one husband protected from judges, state legislatures and textbook revisionists.

4. A president who will appoint judges who fear God and will protect the innocent as well as marriage and our freedoms.

5. A new Congress that won't threaten our rights with The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA – thought crimes for the workplace), the "Unfairness Doctrine" and the Law of the Sea Treaty, which turns over the oceans and their riches to U.N. control along with the right to levy an international tax.

6. Secure borders.

7. A balanced budget to protect our future.

8. A president, a Congress and an America who are willing to stand against the threat from radical Islam at home and abroad.

9. A secure, undivided Israel.

10. A secure United States of America – not a "North American Union."

Thanks Janet Folger

Remember Jesus is the reason for the season. So Merry Christmas everyone.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


If you know me at all you know that I love Pandas. I used to have a giant poster of a Panda on my wall as a kid. Forget the "Stars" it was Panda's that did it for me. Check this out I found it very funny!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Bags for Books

I finally got around to making bags for my 2 girls to carry their Stars books in. I just loved the 2 coordinating fabrics.
I reversed the fabric on the top incase the girls get their bags mixed up they can figure out which one belongs to which girl.

Shrinky Dinks

I ran across an incredibly fun craft idea and I've just been itching to do it. Remember Shrinky Dinks!! Well DD and I made some decorative pin heads. We started out with a 3/4" square of the rough and ready SD paper, drew out our picture, stuck a pin in them and shrank them down, down, down.

I also bought some Shrinky paper for the computer. I can't wait to try that out.

Here are a few sites I found for some fun projects.




Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Big Pot!

Every week at Rotary Club we have a drawing. We start with a regular deck of 52 cards. You can buy 3 tickets for $2 or 7 tickets for $5. Your ticket goes in a basket and someone draws from all the tickets, lucky ticket gets to pull a card from the deck. If you draw the 4 of hearts you get the pot. Half of what is given to buy tickets goes to the pot the other half goes to TheRotaryFoundation

Well, this past Tuesday I bought the 7 tickets for $5, I was feeling lucky. The drawer pulled my number (lucky me, had my number drawn 2 weeks ago also)

Oh I was so excited (I never win) I waved my hands over the cards trying to get some vibes off the cards. There was one card kind of sticking out on the left side. No, it couldn't be that one! The deck was down to about 15 cards. So I went to the right side, no, last time I went to the right side when I thought I should go to the left side. So I went back to the left side. Quickly pulled the card out, flipped it over and....

It was the 4 of hearts!!!! Yea Me!!!! I won, I won, I won!!!
I put half of it towards my Rotary Fondation goal and pocketed the rest!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

More Patterns

Okay so I didn't get to sew Monday night. But went to Hancock's and they had Butterick patterns on sale (We went because DD wanted to) for only .99c

Yea Yea I know. I picked up 2 more patterns

I love Red dresses!! Remember the 80's!!! My wedding was Red. All the girls looked so radiant in Red! But I bought some eggplant colored jersey.

I'm not even going to show you the second pattern because you will laugh at me because they are so similar. But they were only .99c

I like the twisty part in the front. And this looks so comfy.

I didn't get to sew Tuesday because DD was sick.

And were having a Birthday party for her this weekend Friday evening for family and then friends Saturday afternoon. So it will be a while before I'm back at the machine.

I'd rather sew than cook!!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Vogue Patterns

I was in Joann's yesterday and they had Vogue patterns on sale. I love Vogue patterns. They are laid out so nice and FIT nicely. I found 2 patterns that I liked and bought. They are similar but very different.

Vogue 8181 (1st pattern)
I love the green one with the shearing at the neck, cuffs, and hem (though not sure about the hem) I think the shearing would be pretty out of a shear type, maybe a contrast.
Vogue 8409 (2nd pattern)which crosses over the top with a V neck. Maybe I will do some Embroidery at the waist.
The fabric I bought yesterday, which is what I call a chunky knit (reminds me of double knit) in a cobalt blue. I wish Joann's had more of an up to date selection of knits. Especially with all the patterns out that call for knits. And they are very comfy to wear.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Something Else

Here is a ring bearer pillow that I made. I love the simplicity of it.

Usually I just make a regular pillow with pearls or something around the edge. But this one was a kind of box.

Black on the top with white letters, and the sides were white. The bride (which I never met - I knew the groom) had sent me a picture of something similar to this. But it was really cheap looking, but not in price. The bought one on the sides they had just glued grosgrain ribbon to the sides. I guess this way they could have base colored pillows and then add whatever color to the sides. I'm waiting to hear if she liked it, the wedding was Sept 15th. I sure hope so!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Finally Christening Gown

Okay I am finally getting around to getting the pictures of the Christening Gown that I made for Baby Julia on here. The lining wasn't really as shiny as it looks in the picture.

They are not the greatest pictures, because for some reason I can't seem to remember to take pictures before I deliver the item.
So I took these pictures quickly and they really don't show the beauty of the netting I used.

I really had a good time making this dress. I love sewing this sort of thing. I used a pattern from "Grandmother's Hope Chest" by Martha Pullen. It was a simple basic yoke pattern.

The lining I used was some sort of poly (eeck I know, but there wasn't anything else avaliable) that was washable. So when Baby Julia grown up and has a child of her own she can was the years of stuff that has accumulated on the dress out. Of course washing by soaking, by hand gently.

Well let me know what you think.

Monday, October 1, 2007


It's Missions time for our Missions Convention at church. I love Missions! I love hearing the fabulous stories about God's goodness in the field! I love that their are so many WILLING to give up there easy lives here in the US and go to sometimes a poverty stricken country. I love to just listen to their hearts and what they are trying to accomplish, and only through the grace of God can they accomplish.
Big Kudos to you guys!!! You are my HEROS!

Back in I think it was the month of April. The kids gave their money to help purchase new playground equipment for a very rural, very poor community. I just got pics to show the kids. God bless the workers that got down and very dirty to clean this school so the kids that had lost so much from a little wind and rain (Katrina) could get back to normal. Check out the organization that did this ruralcompassion

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Anniversary # 20

Well yesterday the 26th was our 20th Wedding Anniversary! I can't believe it! 20 years - WOW!

Lots of fun! Looking forward to what God has for us the next 20 years. Now that were used to each other. tee hee.

Love ya babe!!!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

It's the Weekend

Yea it's the weekend! And I don't have to do anything for anyone this weekend. But ME!! After spending about 40 - 50 hours on the Honor Star crowning (yes! thank you very much)
And learning ONCE AGAIN that you can ONLY count on yourself to get things done.

I'm not going to do anything this weekend that requires a lot of effort.
See ya Monday
I'll get the the Christening Gown pics up soon.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I'm almost through with all the things I have to have finished before the 9th. Last night I added another layer of tulle to Electra's dress. I had started with one layer but it needed more. So I put one more white layer. It just still didn't scream Electra! So I found some white tulle with silver glitter on it.
NOW it says Electra!!!
I had made a jacket for it. But I don't think it works now. (Now Electra is not as big as this pic looks, she is a little whisp of a thing, but I had to fit it over my Molly Mannequin to photograph. You'll probably see a lot of Molly in the future.) Do you see the sparkley tulle at the bottom? The dress is all white with an MP lace design on the top with crystals. I used pattern butterick 4120.

The Christening dress is coming along wonderfully! All I have to do is put the sleeves in, finish the neck and put the buttons on. It is SO pretty! I can't wait to see Baby Julia in it!

I did all this while listening to Madame Bovary. Stupid women why can't we just be content with what we have. Ahhh but the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, or was it over the septic tank?! I think Erma Bombeck said that.

Well, now that I'm almost through with the must do's. I can start sewing for Me! And just where do you go for inspiration, you ask. anthropologie - I love this site. There are many more, but this morning I was looking at their fabulous clothes and thought about sharing it with ya'll. Check it out.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Searching for a pattern

Well, last night I got my patterns out to start working on the Christening dress for Baby Julia. I looked and looked for something I could whip out in 2 weeks. Then I remembered a beautiful dress I had that I bought some years ago to wear to a special friends wedding. I had decided that if she had a girl I would make her a Christening dress from it, but, she had a boy.

This is also the dress I wore in the picture of DD and me. So it is a very special dress. It is a slight cream, the original underdress was a darker peach so it made it look really creamy. But when you put white under it, it is stunning! That first cut is going to be hard!

So, I decided to make Baby Julia's dress out of this beautiful netting. I think if I were to buy this type of netting it would be $$ a yard.

I can't wait to get started!! But, it will have to wait until tomorrow, I have Church tonight.

Monday, August 27, 2007

New Gown for New Baby

Yea I get to finally make a Christening gown for my new cousin!

I have to have it done by Sept 9th for the dedication ceremony. That I won't get to go to becasue I have my Honor Stars graduation that night. So I will be sewing my fingers off for the next 2 weeks.

Yea Yea I knew this day would come. But I didn't know when and how old she would be for the day of the dedication. So I didn't know what size to make it.

But I love making heirloom clothes. I'll keep you posted as to my progress.

Here's just a reminder of what DD's gown looked like.

Where Does The Time Go????

Birthdays, new school, another class of Stars graduates.
Well, Saturday was my Birthday! It was a very fun day. In the morning I was down at the Museum taking pictures of this years future Honor Stars. they were all so beautiful! And when I came home there was a mini suprise Birthday Party waiting for me. Cookie cake and balloons - yum! I received a time of pampering at - my favorite spa (besides when I use my wonderful BeautiControl spa products) The Watermark. Can't wait to go!

And in the evening we went out to eat at Carino's and ate way to much food and chocolate cake.

DD started school last Wednesday. We put her in a different Private Christian School this year. It was really hard to change after going to the same place for 8 years.
When I picked her up and she gets in the car she says "I hate it, and I'm never going back"! I'm thinking okay what I have I done to my child! But, by the end of the day she was calmed down. I think it was just a culmination of the day and all the newness of the day. She is okay with the school now.

And on September 9th, I will graduate my next class of Honor Stars! Didn't I just do this a few months ago??
What fun this class has been. Last year I had to act as teacher and a Mom. This year I'm just teacher, so it is much easier. I'ts a LOT of work to get ready for this day of celebration, but so worth it all! It's like planning a wedding, with 4 Brides!
AAAHHHHH I need to get off this computer and get to writing my speech.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Shoes Shoes Shoes

I love shoes!
Love to look at them!
Love to wear them!
Not crazy about paying for them though! The problem is I have a narrow foot. Summer shoes are usually not a problem. As long as they have a strap at the ankle or one between the toes they will fit. But winter shoes are another story. I have to buy the good stuff.

I ran across this story today.

So next time your Hubby ask why you spent that on shoes just show him these pictures. I never liked WalMart shoes anyway they make them all for wide feet.

So now is the time to celebrate those toes. Keep them uncovered. Today I'm wearing my Blue Sam & Libby Sandles. . BUT NEVER walk around with chipped polish!!! This is one of those unpardonable sins. So get your Summer toes on. Oh and please no white, dry skin either. Moisturize, Moisturize Moisturize!! If you need good produts to take care of this, I have THE BEST foot creams and scrubs. Call Me

Monday, July 23, 2007

Finally I Got To Sew!

This weekend was a lot of fun. The neighbor's son, Zac, had a Birthday party, he turned 12. Good company and good burgers!

Sunday we went to my Cousins 3rd Birthday party at Gymboree. What a fun place. And his parents had a backyard BBQ at thier house. It was titled "Babies First BBQ". Little Julia was born 7/6/07. She is so beautiful! I think she looks like her Mom.

But the real reason for this entry is to tell you about the dress I made for little Julia. It was a Martha Pullen pattern "Gift of the Month" Fancy Swing Top and Panties

Exept I changed a few things. I put embroidery on the front 3 little bunnies from MP's Baby Layette collection. And I changed the pleat down the front to 3 pintucks so it wouldn't cover the bunnies.

There was a new technique that I tried

Cut 1 1/4" bias strips, fold in half, iron - Sew a blanket stitch with the long swing falling off the bias strip. (Don't use a teflon foot, use your regular foot) And the pull of the long swing will make a little scallop.

Really cute - the only problem I had was when I washed the dress. The fabric wanted to curl up and was a little hard to iron out. Well, anyway here is a picture. And I broke the cardinal rule of Heirloom sewing. The pink was not 100% cotton - I used a blend!

Friday, July 20, 2007

A New Day

Well since no one is listening, since I just set this blog up.

I moved (yea again) recently and I had this neat little niche in the wall that I found some fabulous flowers for and found a vase that will work for now, until I find the vase I really want for it. I painted the niche Sherwin Williams Artichoke. I love that color! I can't wait to get some window coverings up in the living room. I found the perfect fabric at Hobby Lobby, but need to wait for one of their 30% off sales and save a little money for the project since it takes about 12 yards of fabric.

As you may know I love Audio Books. Getting to listen to all the books I don't have time to sit and read.
I just finished "David Copperfield". Very interesting.
But I think my favorite out of all that I have listened to is "The Picture of Dorian Gray" Kind of a "be sure your sins will find you out" kind of book.

I'm either going to listen to "Sense and Sensibility" or "Jane Eyre" next.